Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Řecké divadlo jako architektonická památka
Greek theatre as architectonic monument
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Ondřejová, Iva
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 18. 06. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Tato bakalářská diplomová práce se zabývá architekturou řeckých divadel. Seznamuje nás nejen s architektonickými prvky v rámci výstavby divadel v jednotlivých oblastech, které Řekové obývali, ale také i se vznikem a vývojem ...
This bachelor thesis deals with the architecture of Greek theaters. It informs us not only with architectural elements in the construction of theaters in different areas inhabited by Greeks, but also with the emergence and ...
This bachelor thesis deals with the architecture of Greek theaters. It informs us not only with architectural elements in the construction of theaters in different areas inhabited by Greeks, but also with the emergence and ...
Chrámy rímsko-keltského typu v Británii
Romano-Celtic temples in Britain
Chrámy římsko-keltského typu v Británii
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Musil, Jiří
Date Issued: 2015
Date of defense: 03. 02. 2015
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Táto práca sa zaoberá chrámami rímsko-keltského typu na území rímskej provincie Britannia v období 1. až 4. storočia nášho letopočtu. Prvá kapitola sa venuje chrámovej architektúre a možnej rekonštrukcii tohto typu chrámových ...
This work deals with the Romano-Celtic temples in the Roman province of Britannia in the period from first to fourth century AD. The first chapter describes temple architecture and possible reconstruction of this type of ...
This work deals with the Romano-Celtic temples in the Roman province of Britannia in the period from first to fourth century AD. The first chapter describes temple architecture and possible reconstruction of this type of ...
Architektúra opevnenia v době železnej v strednom Taliansku
Rampant architecture in the Iron age central Italy
Architektúra opevnenia v době železnej v strednom Taliansku
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kysela, Jan
Date Issued: 2015
Date of defense: 15. 09. 2015
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Táto bakalárska práca sa venuje predrímskym fortifikáciám na území Etrúrie a starovekej Umbrie. Prvú časť tvorí popis jednotlivých typov muriva používaných v tejto oblasti a ich zaradenie do typologických kategórií. Hradby ...
This bachelor thesis adresses pre-Roman fortifications in the lands of Etruria and ancient Umbria. First part contains descriptions of various types of masonry used in this area and their classification into typological ...
This bachelor thesis adresses pre-Roman fortifications in the lands of Etruria and ancient Umbria. First part contains descriptions of various types of masonry used in this area and their classification into typological ...
Antické tradice v architektuře zámku Kačina
Greek and Roman traditions in Architecture of Chateau Kačina
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Bouzek, Jan
Date Issued: 2011
Date of defense: 20. 09. 2011
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Předmětem práce je zkoumání historie zámku Kačina z hlediska jejího vztahu k antickému umění a stavitelství. Úvodní kapitoly byly věnovány době, ve které zámek vznikl, byl připomenut i význam osvícenství, i ve vztahu k ...
The subject of this paper is the study of history of the Kačina Chateau from the point of view of its inspiration from the art and architecture of the ancient world. The introductory chapters were dedicated to the general ...
The subject of this paper is the study of history of the Kačina Chateau from the point of view of its inspiration from the art and architecture of the ancient world. The introductory chapters were dedicated to the general ...
Rímské záhrady na konci antiky a ich odkaz v záhradách stredoveku
Roman gardens of the late antiquity and their reflection in the Medieval gardens
Vliv strověkých římských zahrad na další vývoj zahradní architektury
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Stančo, Ladislav
Date Issued: 2013
Date of defense: 10. 09. 2013
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá rímskymi záhradami na konci antiky a ich odkazom v záhradách stredoveku. Dôraz sa kladie na ich architektonické a koncepčné riešenie. Pozornosť je taktiež venovaná literárnym zmienkam antických ...
This graduation theses is concerned with the Roman gardens of the late antiquity and with their heritage in the Medieval gardens. Consequently there might be placed an emphasis on their conceptual and architectural layout. ...
This graduation theses is concerned with the Roman gardens of the late antiquity and with their heritage in the Medieval gardens. Consequently there might be placed an emphasis on their conceptual and architectural layout. ...
Pohřební stavby vybraných kmenů severní Afriky v časovém horizontuř.Kr. až
The burial structures of the chosen tribes of the North Africa within a period from 4th century B.C. to 5th century A.D.
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Stančo, Ladislav
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 20. 09. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Tato diplomová práce se zabývá pohřební architekturou vybraných berberských kmenů, severní Afriky, jmenovitě Garamantů a Numidů, v časovém horizontu 4. st. př. Kr. až 5. st. po Kr. Nejprve je stručně představen kmen Garamantů ...
This diploma thesis examines the burial architecture of selected Berber tribes of Northern Africa, namely the Garamantian and Numidian ones, within a period from 4th century B. C. to 5th century A. D. First, the Garamantian ...
This diploma thesis examines the burial architecture of selected Berber tribes of Northern Africa, namely the Garamantian and Numidian ones, within a period from 4th century B. C. to 5th century A. D. First, the Garamantian ...
Stavební program Juby II
The building program of Juba II
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kysela, Jan
Date Issued: 2016
Date of defense: 15. 06. 2016
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Práce se zabývá problematikou "stavebního programu" mauretánského panovníka Juby II. Cílem je postihnout hlavní charakteristické rysy Jubovy stavební činnosti a zasadit je do kulturního a politického kontextu soudobého ...
This thesis deals with the issue of building program of the Mauretanian ruler Juba II. Its aim is to capture the main features of Juba's building activity and put them in the cultural and political context of the contemporary ...
This thesis deals with the issue of building program of the Mauretanian ruler Juba II. Its aim is to capture the main features of Juba's building activity and put them in the cultural and political context of the contemporary ...
Stavební program krále Heroda Velikého
Building Program of the King Herod the Great
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Titz, Pavel
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 13. 09. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Práce si klade za cíl pojednat o stavební programu judského krále Héróda Velikého jako celku. V první části se věnuje historickému, kulturnímu a společenskému pozadí jeho života a vlády, především vnitřním stavem judské ...
This thesis deals mainly with building program of the Judaean king Herod the Great as a whole. The first part is centered on historical, cultural and social background of his life and rule especially on the state of Judaean ...
This thesis deals mainly with building program of the Judaean king Herod the Great as a whole. The first part is centered on historical, cultural and social background of his life and rule especially on the state of Judaean ...
Etruské skalné hrobky a 3D modeling
Etruscan rock-cut tombs and 3D modeling
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Musil, Jiří
Date Issued: 2015
Date of defense: 17. 06. 2015
Faculty / Institute: Filozofická fakulta / Faculty of Arts
Abstract: Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá etruskými hrobkami vytesanými do skalných stien, ktoré sú charakteristické pre vnútornú oblasť južnej Etrúrie a vznikali v období od druhej štvrtiny 6.storočia pred n.l. do konca 3. a začiatku ...
This thesis examines Etruscan rock-cut tombs that are characteristic for inland southern Etruria and are dated from second quarter of the 6th century BC to the end of 3rd and beginning of the 2nd century BC. Thesis is ...
This thesis examines Etruscan rock-cut tombs that are characteristic for inland southern Etruria and are dated from second quarter of the 6th century BC to the end of 3rd and beginning of the 2nd century BC. Thesis is ...