Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Chromofóbní renální karcinom
Chromophobe Renal Cell Cancer
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Hora, Milan
Date Issued: 2023
Date of defense: 08. 03. 2023
Faculty / Institute: Lékařská fakulta v Plzni / Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Abstract: Úvod: Chromofobní renální karcinom (chRCC, chromophobe renal cell carcinoma) je po karcinomu světlobuněčném a papilárním třetím nejčastějším zhoubným nádorem ledviny. Jedná se o relativně indolentní typ nádoru s asi 5% ...
Introduction: Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (chRCC) is the third most common subtype of RCC after clear cell RCC and papillary RCC. It is a relatively indolent subtype of RCC with approximately 5% risk of progression ...
Introduction: Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (chRCC) is the third most common subtype of RCC after clear cell RCC and papillary RCC. It is a relatively indolent subtype of RCC with approximately 5% risk of progression ...
Diagnostický algoritmus karcinomu prostaty
Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Algorithm
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Hora, Milan
Date Issued: 2021
Date of defense: 22. 09. 2021
Faculty / Institute: Lékařská fakulta v Plzni / Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Abstract: v českém jazyce Cíl: Cílem práce je implementace nejnovějších vědeckých poznatků v diagnostice karcinomu prostaty (KP). Zaměřili jsme se na laboratorní markery, zobrazovací metody, metodiku biopsie prostaty a sestrojili ...
Prostate cancer diagnostic algorithm Aim: The aim of the study is to implement the latest scientific knowledge in the diagnosis of prostate cancer (PC). We focused on tumor markers, imaging methods, prostate biopsy methodology ...
Prostate cancer diagnostic algorithm Aim: The aim of the study is to implement the latest scientific knowledge in the diagnosis of prostate cancer (PC). We focused on tumor markers, imaging methods, prostate biopsy methodology ...