Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Choroby vulvy
Vulvar diseases
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Turyna, Radovan
Date Issued: 2009
Date of defense: 17. 06. 2009
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Téma své diplomové práce Choroby vulvy jsem si vybrala na základě svého několikaletého zájmu o gynekologii a tématiku s tímto oborem spojenou. Přesto, že je vulva místo, které gynekolog prohlíží při vyšetření díky lehké ...
The theme of my thesis Diseases of the vulva, I chose based on several years of his interest in gynecology and themes associated with that field. Although the vulva is a place that gynecologist for examination by viewing ...
The theme of my thesis Diseases of the vulva, I chose based on several years of his interest in gynecology and themes associated with that field. Although the vulva is a place that gynecologist for examination by viewing ...