Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Stanovení běžných aktivit pacientů s Alzheimerovou nemocí v klinické praxi
Assessment of activities of daily living in patients with Alzheimer disease in clinical practice
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Bartoš, Aleš
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 23. 06. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Alzheimerova nemoc (AN) je velmi časté onemocnění, v České republice postihuje přibližně 150 tisíc lidí. Diagnostická kritéria vyžadují nejen zhodnocení kognitivních funkcí (například paměti), ale také aktivit denního ...
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a very frequent disorder. There are about 150 thousand people living with AD in the Czech Republic. The diagnostic criteria require not only the evaluation of cognitive abilities (e.g. memory), ...
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a very frequent disorder. There are about 150 thousand people living with AD in the Czech Republic. The diagnostic criteria require not only the evaluation of cognitive abilities (e.g. memory), ...
Možnosti rehabilitace u pacientů postižených CMP
The ways of rehabilitation with people after stroke
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Karlová, Ivana
Date Issued: 2006
Date of defense: 14. 09. 2006
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Periferní léze nervus facialis
Peripheral facial palsy
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Karlová, Ivana
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 12. 06. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Kardiologické parametry u pacientů s akutním ischemickým iktem
Cardiological Parameters of the Patients with Acute ischemic Stroke
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Peisker, Tomáš
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 21. 05. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Vliv psychické zátěže na rozvoj onemocnění sclerosis multiplex
The effect of psychological stress on the development of multiple sclerosis
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Medová, Eva
Date Issued: 2006
Date of defense: 30. 11. 2006
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Téma své diplomové práce Vliv psychické zátěže na rozvoj onemocnění sclerosis multiplex jsem si vybrala na základě svého zájmu o obor neurologie. S ohledem na nutnost preventivní tématiky jsem ve spolupráci s MUDr. Medovou ...
The topic of his thesis Effects of mental stress on the development of disease sclerosis multiplex, I chose based on their interest in the field of neurology. With regard to the necessity of theme I in collaboration with ...
The topic of his thesis Effects of mental stress on the development of disease sclerosis multiplex, I chose based on their interest in the field of neurology. With regard to the necessity of theme I in collaboration with ...
Effects of Thrombolysis on Stroke patients in our faculty hospital
Účinky trombolýzy u pacientů s iktem v naší fakultní nemocnici
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kalvach, Pavel
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 24. 06. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na použití a účinek trombolýzy u pacientů, kteří utrpěli mrtvici a byli ošetřeni v naší fakultní nemocnici v průběhu roku 2009. Pomocí CT snímků pacientů práce analyzuje rozsah případných lézí ...
In this review I will look at the use and effect of thrombolysis in patients who suffered with stroke in our faculty hospital during the year 2009. Using CT images from the patients I will analyse the extent of any lesions ...
In this review I will look at the use and effect of thrombolysis in patients who suffered with stroke in our faculty hospital during the year 2009. Using CT images from the patients I will analyse the extent of any lesions ...
Aterosklerotické změny ACI u neurologicky asymptomatické populace
Atherosclerotic changes in internal carotid artery in neurological asymptomatic population
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kalvach, Pavel
Date Issued: 2007
Date of defense: 14. 11. 2007
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Při výběru tématu mé diplomové práce sehrály úlohu dvě skutečnosti. První z nich byl můj zájem o obor neurologie, zejména o rychle se rozvíjející iktovou problematiku. Druhým vkladem byly moje zkušenost ze 3. ročníku, kdy ...
When selecting the topic of my thesis role played two facts. The first of them was my interest in the field of neurology, particularly the rapidly developing a stroke issues. The second contribution has been my experience ...
When selecting the topic of my thesis role played two facts. The first of them was my interest in the field of neurology, particularly the rapidly developing a stroke issues. The second contribution has been my experience ...
The extent of calcification in cerebral arteries in correlation to age
Rozsah kalcifikace v mozkových tepnách ve vazbě na věk
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kalvach, Pavel
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 28. 06. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: It is a common experience of radiologists that the density of organs is changing during our life. This phenomenon is especially conspicuous as a decreasing density of bones, defined either as diffuse osteoporosis, or in ...
Psychomotorický vývoj dětí v prvním roce života
Psychomotoric development of children within the first year of their life"
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Bartlová, Petra
Date Issued: 2014
Date of defense: 12. 06. 2014
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found