Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Komplexní rehabilitace po popálení ruky
Complex rehabilitation of the burned hand
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Křížek, Tomáš
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 10. 06. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Netermické ztráty kožního krytu na Klinice popáleninové medicíny za roky 1998 - 2008
Non-termic skin losses at the Prague Burn Centre through the years 1998 -2008
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Zajíček, Robert
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 07. 06. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Exfoliativní ztráty kožního krytu jsou raritní, ale život ohrožující onemocnění, mezi které patří toxická epidermální nekrolýza a stafylokokový syndrom opařené kůže. Je nutné na ně myslet a při podezření včas zajistit ...
Exfoliative loses of the skin are rare, but potentially lethal disorders that includes toxical epidermal necrolysis and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. They should be considered in a differential diagnosis and a quick ...
Exfoliative loses of the skin are rare, but potentially lethal disorders that includes toxical epidermal necrolysis and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. They should be considered in a differential diagnosis and a quick ...
Epidemiologie termických úrazů u dětí
Epidemiology (epidemiologic research) of burn injuries in children.
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Tokarik, Monika
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 01. 09. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: EPIDEMIOLOGIE TERMICKÝCH ÚRAZŮ U DĚTÍ Lenka Eichlová Školitel: MUDr. Monika Tokarik Úvod: Popáleninové trauma patří k hlavním příčinám morbidity a mortality u dětí. Každý rok utrpí popáleniny více než 100 000 lidí, 40% z ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY ( EPIDEMIOLOGIC RESEARCH) OF BURN INJURIES IN CHILDREN Lenka Eichlová Supervisor: MUDr. Monika Tokarik Background: Burn injury belongs to main cause of morbidity and mortality in children. More than 100 000 ...
EPIDEMIOLOGY ( EPIDEMIOLOGIC RESEARCH) OF BURN INJURIES IN CHILDREN Lenka Eichlová Supervisor: MUDr. Monika Tokarik Background: Burn injury belongs to main cause of morbidity and mortality in children. More than 100 000 ...
Fluid resuscitation in treatment of burn shock
Tekutinová resuscitace při popáleninovém šoku
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Zajíček, Robert
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 17. 09. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Treatment of burns can be divided into 3 phases. During first 36 hours fluid resuscitation and securing airways are the most important aspects of therapy. The fluid resuscitation is complex, and protocols are used to ...
Epidemiologie termických úrazů u seniorů
Epidemiology (epidemiologic research) of burn injuries in geriatric patients
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Tokarik, Monika
Date Issued: 2009
Date of defense: 10. 12. 2009
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Populace podle demografických údajů stárne. Mezi příčiny úmrtí se kromě kardiovaskulárních a nádorových onemocnění započítavají i vnější zavinění, ke kterým patří termický úraz. U seniorů je jak vyšší riziko jejich vzniku ...
According to the demografic researches, the population is getting older. The death is caused not only by cardiovascular or tumorous diseases, but it include external fault as well. The seniors are more endangered. On the ...
According to the demografic researches, the population is getting older. The death is caused not only by cardiovascular or tumorous diseases, but it include external fault as well. The seniors are more endangered. On the ...
Electrical Trauma
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Königová, Radana
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 10. 12. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Zatímco energie blesku děsila lidstvo po tisíce let jeho historie, elektrická energie vyrobená člověkem lidstvu slouží, ale též ho ohrožuje, od roku 1879, kdy Thomas Alva Edison objevil elektrické světlo. Jeho systémem ...
While energy flash terrified humanity for thousands of years of history, electricity produced by man serve humanity but also threatening , since 1879 , when Thomas Alva Edison discovered the electric light . its system ...
While energy flash terrified humanity for thousands of years of history, electricity produced by man serve humanity but also threatening , since 1879 , when Thomas Alva Edison discovered the electric light . its system ...