Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Způsoby vedení porodu a následné poporodní péče ve vztahu k prevenci poporodní inkontinence
The ways how to lead a delivery and care during puerperium in relation to prevention of postpartum incontinence
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Popelka, Jiří
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 22. 01. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Močová inkontinence je definována jako nechtěný a vůli neovlivnitelný únik moči, který je objektivně prokazatelný. Prevalence inkontinence moči roste s tím, jak stárne populace. Jedná se o závažný sociální a hygienický ...
Urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary loss of urine that is objectively demonstrable. It is an increasingly prevalent problem as the ageing population expands. It is a severe social and hygienic problem. In ...
Urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary loss of urine that is objectively demonstrable. It is an increasingly prevalent problem as the ageing population expands. It is a severe social and hygienic problem. In ...
Primární a sekundární prevence karcinomu prsu
Primary and secondary prevention of breast carcinoma
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Svobodová, Pavla
Date Issued: 2006
Date of defense: 05. 06. 2006
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Karcinom prsu je nejčastějším zhoubným nádorem žen. V posledních letech narůstá nejen jeho incidence, ale taky mortalita. Proto je nezbytné věnovat prevenci tohoto zhoubného nádoru nezbytnou pozornost a pokusit se zapojit ...
Breast carcinoma is the most common type of cancer in women. In the past years its incidence as well as the mortality are increasing. Therefore it is essential to pay attention to the prevention of this disease and use all ...
Breast carcinoma is the most common type of cancer in women. In the past years its incidence as well as the mortality are increasing. Therefore it is essential to pay attention to the prevention of this disease and use all ...
Prevention of complications in gynecologic endoscopic surgery
Prevence komplikací v gynekologické endoskopické chirurgii
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kučera, Eduard
Date Issued: 2009
Date of defense: 10. 09. 2009
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: This diploma work is about endoscopy and the relative thesis. I start with short information from history of endoscopy and than continue with present. I have there two parts of my work, first shown that type of hysterospcopic ...
Human papilomavirus a vakcinace
Human papilomavirus and vaccination
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Havránková, Anna
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 13. 02. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Téma své diplomové práce Human papilomavirus (HPV) a vakcinace jsem si vybrala na základě svého zájmu o tuto problematiku. Vzhledem ke každoročnímu nárůstu žen, u kterých se rakovina děložního čípku objeví a počtu žen, ...
The topic of his thesis Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and I chosen based on their interest in this issue. Given annual increase in women in whom cancer of the cervix appears a number of women will die from the ...
The topic of his thesis Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and I chosen based on their interest in this issue. Given annual increase in women in whom cancer of the cervix appears a number of women will die from the ...
Onemocnění zevních rodidel, prekancerózy a zhoubné nádory
The disorders of the external female genitals, precancerous lesions and malignant tumours
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Havránková, Anna
Date Issued: 2007
Date of defense: 05. 06. 2007
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Téma své diplomové práce Onemocnění zevních rodidel, prekancerózy a zhoubné nádory jsem si vybrala na základě svého zájmu o gynekologickou problematiku. Zhoubné nádory patří mezi nejzávažnější léze vulvy. Jde o poměrně ...
The topic of his thesis disease of the external genitals, precancerous and malignant tumors have I chosen based on their interest in gynecological issues. Malignant tumors are among the most serious lesions of the vulva. ...
The topic of his thesis disease of the external genitals, precancerous and malignant tumors have I chosen based on their interest in gynecological issues. Malignant tumors are among the most serious lesions of the vulva. ...
Multiplicitní nádory u žen
Multiple female cancers
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Bendová, Marie
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 15. 01. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: V mojí diplomové práci se zabývám otázkou multiplicitních nádorových onemocnění u žen, které se týkají především zhoubných nádorů prsu a ovarií. I když se dědičné nádorové formy vyskytují minoritně, tak pořád postihují ...
In my diploma thesis deals with the question of multiplicities of cancer disease in women , which mainly relate to breast cancer and ovarian cancer . I While hereditary forms of cancer occur minority- and still affects ...
In my diploma thesis deals with the question of multiplicities of cancer disease in women , which mainly relate to breast cancer and ovarian cancer . I While hereditary forms of cancer occur minority- and still affects ...
Hereditárne viazané zhubné nádory prsníka
Hereditary breast cancer
Hereditárně vázané karcinomy prsu
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Bendová, Marie
Date Issued: 2007
Date of defense: 12. 12. 2007
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Zhubné nádory prsníkov sú najčastejším malígnym ochorením žien v Českej republike i vo svete a jednou z najčastejších príčin ich smrti, preto ide o veľmi významné ochorenie nielen zo zdravotníckeho, ale aj ekonomického a ...
Malignant tumors of the breast are the most common malignant disease in women Czech Republic and in the world and one of the most frequent causes of their death , because this is a very important disease not only of medical, ...
Malignant tumors of the breast are the most common malignant disease in women Czech Republic and in the world and one of the most frequent causes of their death , because this is a very important disease not only of medical, ...
Tamoxifen, současnost a budoucnost
Tamoxifen, present and future
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Bendová, Marie
Date Issued: 2006
Date of defense: 06. 06. 2006
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Tato práce se zabývá současnou (r. 2005) úlohou tamoxifenu v hormonální terapii karcinomu prsu v podmínkách České republiky. Účelem této práce je zhodnotit užitečnost resp. vhodnost podání tamoxifenu jako léku první volby ...
Objective of the study This study deals with contemporary (year 2005) role of tamoxifen in the breast cancer hormonal therapy, in the medical environment of Czech Republic. The aim of this study is to evaluate, whether the ...
Objective of the study This study deals with contemporary (year 2005) role of tamoxifen in the breast cancer hormonal therapy, in the medical environment of Czech Republic. The aim of this study is to evaluate, whether the ...