Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Vliv inzulínové rezistence na utilizaci energetických substrátů
Influence of the Insuline Resistence on the Utilization of Energetic Substrates
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Štich, Vladimír
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 03. 09. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Obezita a s ní ruku v ruce inzulinorezistence se v posledních desetiletích stala nejčastějším onemocněním na světě. Nárůst výskytu obezity a metabolického syndromu je celosvětově veřejným, zdravotnickým i klinickým problémem. ...
Obesity and its hand-in- hand insulin resistance in recent decades become the most common diseases in the world. The increase in the incidence of obesity and metabolic syndrome is a worldwide public health-care and clinical ...
Obesity and its hand-in- hand insulin resistance in recent decades become the most common diseases in the world. The increase in the incidence of obesity and metabolic syndrome is a worldwide public health-care and clinical ...
Vliv dietní terapie na inzulínovou rezistenci u obézních lidí
The influence of dietary therapy on insulin resistance in obese persons
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Štich, Vladimír
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 21. 05. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Obezita provází lidstvo po celou dobu jeho existence, doklady o ní máme již s prehistorických dob. Lidé však měli dostatek pohybové aktivity a měli malý energetický příjem, proto byl výskyt obezity spíš vzácností. I když ...
Obesity is accompanied mankind throughout its existence, we have evidence of it has to prehistoric times. People have had enough physical activity and had little energy intake , therefore , the incidence of obesity rather ...
Obesity is accompanied mankind throughout its existence, we have evidence of it has to prehistoric times. People have had enough physical activity and had little energy intake , therefore , the incidence of obesity rather ...
Association between Visceral Fat and Metabolic Variables. The Metabolic Syndrome
Spojitost mezi viscerálním tukem a metabolickými proměnnými. Metabolický syndrom
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Štich, Vladimír
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 01. 04. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Obesity is an increasing health problem worldwide. Visceral fat has been associated with a higher risk of metabolic syndrome. The co-occurrence of a cluster of factors is constantly increasing, making this syndrome the ...
The effect of proportion of fat in hypoenergetic diet on weight reduction and metabolic profile
Účinky množství tuku v nízkoenergetické dietě při redukci váhy a metabolický syndrom
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Štich, Vladimír
Date Issued: 2006
Date of defense: 20. 04. 2006
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Změna hladiny triacylglycerolů ve vztahu k obvodu pasu při dietním režimu obézních žen
Change of Triglycerides Level in Relation to Waist Circumference by Obese Women in Dietary Regime
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Štich, Vladimír
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 05. 06. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Téma své diplomové práce Změna hladiny triacylglycerolů ve vztahu k obvodu pasu při dietním režimu obézních žen jsem si vybrala z důvodu stále větší aktuálnosti problematiky obezity v České republice. S obezitou také úzce ...
The topic of his thesis Change triglycerides in relation the waist circumference at dieting obese women I chose because of becoming more timely issue of obesity in the Czech Republic. Obesity is also closely associated ...
The topic of his thesis Change triglycerides in relation the waist circumference at dieting obese women I chose because of becoming more timely issue of obesity in the Czech Republic. Obesity is also closely associated ...
Změny hmotnosti a metabolických ukazatelů při aerobním tréninku obézních žen
Aerobic exercise induced changes of weight and metabolic parameters in obese women
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Štich, Vladimír
Date Issued: 2006
Date of defense: 29. 11. 2006
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Mají obézní lidé sníženou fyzickou zdatnost?
Do obese people have reduced physical fitness?
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Štich, Vladimír
Date Issued: 2007
Date of defense: 04. 09. 2007
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Vztah deprese a redukce váhy u obezních jedinců
Relationship of depression and weight reduction in obeze subjects
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Štich, Vladimír
Date Issued: 2014
Date of defense: 19. 06. 2014
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Vliv redukce váhy na ukazatele metabolického syndromu u obézních jedinců
Effect of weight reduction on indius of metabolic syndrom in obese subjects
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Štich, Vladimír
Date Issued: 2007
Date of defense: 04. 09. 2007
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Je deprese spojena s menší redukcí váhy v redukčním dietním režimu?
Is depression related to lower weight reduction in reduction dietary regimen?
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Štich, Vladimír
Date Issued: 2006
Date of defense: 29. 11. 2006
Faculty / Institute: 3. lékařská fakulta / Third Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Téma své diplomové práce Je deprese spojena s menší redukcí váhy v redukčním dietním režimu? jsem si vybrala na základě svého zájmu o problematiku obezity a diabetu. Obezita je dnes považována za velmi závažné onemocnění, ...
The topic of his thesis, depression is associated with less weight reduction in reducing dietary regime? I chose based on their interest in problems of obesity and diabetes. Obesity is now recognized as a very serious ...
The topic of his thesis, depression is associated with less weight reduction in reducing dietary regime? I chose based on their interest in problems of obesity and diabetes. Obesity is now recognized as a very serious ...