Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Srovnání výsledků elektrické kortikální stimulace a funkční magnetické rezonance
Validity of primary motor area localization with fMRI versus electric cortical stimulation: A comparative study.
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Petrovický, Pavel
Date Issued: 2009
Date of defense: 05. 10. 2009
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Během mého postgraduálního studia jsem se zaměřil na problematiku operativy elokventně uložených intrinsických nádorů mozku v širším kontextu, v závěru práce jsem se věnoval operativě gliomů insuly, která je technicky ...
During my postgraduate studies, I have been working on the problems of surgery on eloquently located intrinsic brain tumors in a wider context. Towards the end of my research work, the technically challenging insular glioma ...
During my postgraduate studies, I have been working on the problems of surgery on eloquently located intrinsic brain tumors in a wider context. Towards the end of my research work, the technically challenging insular glioma ...
Epidemiologické aspekty zánětlivých revmatologických onemocnění a difúzních onemocnění pojiva.
Epidemiological aspects of inflammatory rheumatic diseases and diffusional diseases of binding tissue.
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Pavelka, Karel
Date Issued: 2017
Date of defense: 11. 12. 2017
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: v českém jazyce Úvod: Údaje o frekvenci zánětlivých revmatologických onemocnění v České republice (ČR) dosud nebyly známy. Hlavní cíle: Zjistit standardizovanou roční incidenci (INC) a bodovou prevalenci (PREV) nejčastějších ...
v anglickém jazyce Introduction: No information was known about frequency of common inflammatory disorders in rheumatology in the Czech Republic. Aims of the study: To estimate the standardized annual incidence (INC) and ...
v anglickém jazyce Introduction: No information was known about frequency of common inflammatory disorders in rheumatology in the Czech Republic. Aims of the study: To estimate the standardized annual incidence (INC) and ...
Mikrochirurgická topografická anatomie temporální kosti a transtemporálních přístupů k lební bazi
Microsurgical Topographic Anatomy of the Temporal Bone and the Transtemporal Skull Base Approaches
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Petrovický, Pavel
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 01. 02. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Glykobiologie epidermis za fyziologických a patologických podmínek
Glycophenotype of the Epidermis under Physiological and Pathological Conditions
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Smetana, Karel
Date Issued: 2008
Date of defense: 11. 12. 2008
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Lidská epidermis exprimuje galektin-1, -3 a -7. Galektin-1 a jeho vazební partneři jsou exprimováni v jádrech buněk velmi blízkých či totožných s kmenovými buňkami epidermis. Exprese galektinu-3 je závislá na stupni ...
Galectins-1,-3 and -7 are expressed in human epidermis. Galectin-1 and his binding sites are expressed there in the nuclei of cells which are closely related to or are identical with the stem cell population. Expression ...
Galectins-1,-3 and -7 are expressed in human epidermis. Galectin-1 and his binding sites are expressed there in the nuclei of cells which are closely related to or are identical with the stem cell population. Expression ...
Molekulární mechanismy ovlivňující účast buněk neurální lišty na vývojových dějích a homeostase ve vybraných lokalizacích
Molecular mechanisms regulating participation of neural crest on developmental processes and homeostasis in selected localizations
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Grim, Miloš
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 15. 09. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Tato disertační práce je zaměřená na studium vlastností buněk neurální lišty a mechanismů, které se podílejí na jejím vývoji. Je založená na čtyřech originálních publikacích, z nichž dvě se neurální liště věnují v celém ...
This PhD thesis focuses on the study of neural crest (NC) properties and mechanisms regulating its development. It is based on four original papers, two of which are wholy concerning NC. In the first project we showed that ...
This PhD thesis focuses on the study of neural crest (NC) properties and mechanisms regulating its development. It is based on four original papers, two of which are wholy concerning NC. In the first project we showed that ...
Použití vícekanálové průtokové cytometrie v biomedicíně a experimentální biologii
The Use of Multichannel Flow Cytometry in Biomedicine and Experimental Biology
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Smetana, Karel
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 04. 03. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Průtoková cytometrie je laboratorní metoda umožňující kvantitativně i kvalitativně analyzovat velké množství buněk v suspenzi. Zprostředkovává informaci o jejich velikosti a granularitě, identifikuje buňky pomocí fluorescenčně ...
Flow-cytometry is a process on which large numbers of single cells are quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. This method gives information about size, granularity surface or intracellular markers of every single cell ...
Flow-cytometry is a process on which large numbers of single cells are quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed. This method gives information about size, granularity surface or intracellular markers of every single cell ...
MR volumetrie amygdaly u Alzheimerovy choroby
MRI volumetry of amygdala in Alzheimer's disease
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Petrovický, Pavel
Date Issued: 2006
Date of defense: 10. 04. 2006
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract not found
Detekce a prognostický význam sentinelové uzliny u karcinomu prsu
název v anglickém jazyce není uveden
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Dušková, Markéta
Date Issued: 2007
Date of defense: 20. 06. 2007
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Biopsie sentinelové uzliny je revoluční metoda v chirurgii karcinomu prsu. Rychlost a razance, se kterou se rozšířila během necelého desetiletí po celém světě, je nejen v chirurgii, ale i v medicíně vůbec, ojedinělá. I ...
Sentinel lymph node biopsy has become an importatnt tool for axillary lymph node staging in women with early-stage breast cancer. The sentinel node (SN), "guardian node," is the first node that drains the tumor. ...
Sentinel lymph node biopsy has become an importatnt tool for axillary lymph node staging in women with early-stage breast cancer. The sentinel node (SN), "guardian node," is the first node that drains the tumor. ...
Genetická regulace vývoje končetiny.
Genetic Regulation of Limb Development
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Grim, Miloš
Date Issued: 2010
Date of defense: 15. 09. 2010
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Lx u SHR.Lx potkana se u homyzygota manifestuje jako preaxiální polydaktylie zadní končetiny. Ukázali jsme, že delece 2,964 bp v intronu 2 genu Plzf (Promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger) je jediným kandidátem na Lx. Tato ...
Lx in SHR.Lx rat manifests in homozygotes as hindlimb preaxial polydactyly. We showed that a 2,964-bp deletion in Plzf (Promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger) intron 2 is the only candidate for Lx. The deletion removes the ...
Lx in SHR.Lx rat manifests in homozygotes as hindlimb preaxial polydactyly. We showed that a 2,964-bp deletion in Plzf (Promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger) intron 2 is the only candidate for Lx. The deletion removes the ...
Glykofenotyp karcinomů hlavy a krku
Glycophenotype of head and neck carcinomas
dissertation thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Smetana, Karel
Date Issued: 2006
Date of defense: 29. 06. 2006
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Tato disertaní práce se zaobírá nkterými z glykobiologických aspekt dladicobunných epitel sliznic horní ásti dýchacího a trávicího traktu a ke. Znaná ást práce byla vnována problematice endogenních lektin, galektin a ...
1 THESIS The thesis deals with the glycophenotype analysis of normal squamous cell epithelia, and head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Many research projects focus on improving patients prognosis studying biological ...
1 THESIS The thesis deals with the glycophenotype analysis of normal squamous cell epithelia, and head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Many research projects focus on improving patients prognosis studying biological ...