Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Péče o dýchací cesty u hospitalizovaných na JIP očima samotných pacientů
The care of the airways in the patients hospitalized at the unit care in view of patients
diploma thesis (NOT DEFENDED)
Advisor: Hocková, Jana
Date Issued: 2016
Date of defense: 06. 09. 2016
Faculty / Institute: 1. lékařská fakulta / First Faculty of Medicine
Abstract: Úvod: Oblast péče o pacienty s tracheostomickou kanylou je stále aktuální. Přináší zátěžové situace nejen pro samotné pacienty, ale i personál, který o ně pečuje. Tato problematika se vyskytuje napříč všemi obory. Cílem ...
Introduction:The management of patients with a tracheostomy tube is still current. It brings stress situation not only for the patients but also staff who care for them. This issue occurs across all disciplines. The aim ...
Introduction:The management of patients with a tracheostomy tube is still current. It brings stress situation not only for the patients but also staff who care for them. This issue occurs across all disciplines. The aim ...