Now showing items 1-1 of 1
The European Court of Justice as a political actor
Evropský soudní dvůr jako politický aktér
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kysela, Jan
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 14. 09. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Právnická fakulta / Faculty of Law
Abstract: ESD jako politický aktér I. Úvod V roce 2009 se ve Spojených státech amerických hledal nástupce na uprázdněné místo soudce Nejvyššího soudu USA.1 Kandidátkou byla soudkyně hispánského původu, Sonia Sotomayor, která byla ...
The ECJ as a Political Actor In both the US and in the EU, the judiciary is often accused of being political. This thesis does not attempt to compare and contrast the two grand judiciaries; they are too dissimilar to be ...
The ECJ as a Political Actor In both the US and in the EU, the judiciary is often accused of being political. This thesis does not attempt to compare and contrast the two grand judiciaries; they are too dissimilar to be ...