Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Chalkedonský sněm z pohledu křesťanské Orthodoxie a monofyzitské Koptské ortodoxní církve.
The Council of Chalcedon from the point of view of Christian Orthodoxy and the Monophysite Coptic Orthodox Church.
rigorous thesis (RECOGNIZED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2021
Date of defense: 21. 04. 2021
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: Diplomová práce se zabývá srovnáním postojů dvou východokřesťanských tradic - orthodoxní a koptské - ke IV. ekumenickému sněmu, který se sešel v roce 451 v Chalkedonu. Zatímco Pravoslavná církev tento sněm považuje v souladu ...
The thesis deals with the comparison attitudes of two Eastern Christian traditions - Orthodox and Coptic to 4th ecumenical council, which held in 451 in Chalcedon. The Monophysite, or Non- Chalcedonian, Coptic Orthodox ...
The thesis deals with the comparison attitudes of two Eastern Christian traditions - Orthodox and Coptic to 4th ecumenical council, which held in 451 in Chalcedon. The Monophysite, or Non- Chalcedonian, Coptic Orthodox ...
Manželství jako předmět teologického dialogu mezi pravoslavnou a katolickou církví
Matrimony as a subject of theological dialogue betveen the Orthodox and Catholic Church
rigorous thesis (RECOGNIZED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2020
Date of defense: 23. 09. 2020
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: Práce se zabývá manželstvím, jak bylo chápáno v katolických a pravoslavných teologických textech zaměřených na polemiku v otázkách víry. Sleduje postupně vývoj teologického myšlení na toto téma s cílem zmapovat a sumarizovat ...
The thesis offers the understanding of marriage in Catholic and Orthodox theological texts as formulated in polemic concerning faith. It observes the development of the theological thinking about this theme focused on the ...
The thesis offers the understanding of marriage in Catholic and Orthodox theological texts as formulated in polemic concerning faith. It observes the development of the theological thinking about this theme focused on the ...
Pamjatnyje Christianskije mesta na našej territorii v period IX. - X. vekov
Memorable christian sites in our territory from the period of the IXth - Xth century
Památná Křesťanská místa na našem území z období IX. - X. století
rigorous thesis (RECOGNIZED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2024
Date of defense: 18. 01. 2024
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: The thesis addresses the monuments of Great Moravian church architecture and is based on the material accumulated during the past century. It analyzes the influence of different architectural styles, the hypotheses by ...
The thesis addresses the monuments of Great Moravian church architecture and is based on the material accumulated during the past century. It analyzes the influence of different architectural styles, the hypotheses by ...
The thesis addresses the monuments of Great Moravian church architecture and is based on the material accumulated during the past century. It analyzes the influence of different architectural styles, the hypotheses by ...