Now showing items 11-20 of 57
Duchovnoje značenije pravoslavnogo čerkovnogo penija
Spiritual Significance of the Orthodox Christian Church Chant
Duchovní význam pravoslavného církevního zpěvu
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2020
Date of defense: 21. 09. 2020
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: Aбстракт Данная работа содержит повествование о богослужебном пении, о его истории и различных жанрах и стилях. Большое внимание уделяется разъяснению теории и практики различных старинных распевов. Все это помогает лучше ...
This work contains a narrative about a liturgical chant, its history and various genres and styles. A lot of attention is paid to explaining the theory and practice of various ancient chants. All this helps to understand ...
This work contains a narrative about a liturgical chant, its history and various genres and styles. A lot of attention is paid to explaining the theory and practice of various ancient chants. All this helps to understand ...
Rozbor druhých listů z korespondence Cyrila Alexandrijského s Nestóriem
Analysis of the second letters of the correspondence between Cyril of Alexandria and Nestorio
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2018
Date of defense: 27. 06. 2018
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: Práce pojednává o řešení teologického sporu o titulu Panny Marie Bohorodička, jehož ko nečné řešení se našlo na počátku 5. století na třetím všeobecném sněmu v Efesu. V prvé části práce předkládá základní dějiny prohlubování ...
This master's thesis is dedicated to the theological disputation upon the using of the title Theotokos for Virgin Mary that had been finally resolved at the Third Ecumenical Council in Ephesus in 431 AD. The first ...
This master's thesis is dedicated to the theological disputation upon the using of the title Theotokos for Virgin Mary that had been finally resolved at the Third Ecumenical Council in Ephesus in 431 AD. The first ...
Pamjatnyje Christianskije mesta na našej territorii v period IX. - X. vekov
Memorable christian sites in our territory from the period of the IXth - Xth century
Památná Křesťanská místa na našem území z období IX. - X. století
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2019
Date of defense: 26. 09. 2019
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: The thesis addresses the monuments of Great Moravian church architecture and is based on the material accumulated during the past century. It analyzes the influence of different architectural styles, the hypotheses by ...
Didym Slepý teolog 4. století. Náčrt života a díla
Didymus the Blind the theologian of the 4th century. A sketch of the life and work
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 11. 09. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Křesťanství jako školní předmět
Christianity as the school subject
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 21. 05. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Osobní asistence u dětí a mládeže s poruchou autistického spektra
Personal asistent autistic children and young people
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Luptáková, Marina
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 21. 05. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: Anotace: Martinová Lenka. Osobní asistence u dětí a mládeže s poruchami autistického spektra. Praha: Univerzita Karlova. Husitská teologická fakulta. Ústav východního křesťanství, 2012. 62 s. Vedoucí bakalářské práce PhDr. ...
Title: The personal assistance by children and by young people with autism defect Author: Lenka Martinová Konsultant: PhDr. Marina Luptáková University: Charles University in Prague Fakulty: Hussite Theological Department: ...
Title: The personal assistance by children and by young people with autism defect Author: Lenka Martinová Konsultant: PhDr. Marina Luptáková University: Charles University in Prague Fakulty: Hussite Theological Department: ...
Sv. Nikodém Agioreités- obroditel
St. Nikodemos Hagioreites- The revivalist
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 11. 09. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Pražské pravoslavné chrámy
Prague Orthodox Churches
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2011
Date of defense: 09. 09. 2011
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: Resumé Pražské pravoslavné chrámy Prague Orthodox Churches Petra Svobodová Tato práce podává přehled pravoslavných chrámů a kaplí v Praze, které pravoslavná církev využívala od 70. let 19. století do dnešních dnů. Popisuje ...
Pražské pravoslavné chrámy Prague Orthodox Churches Petra Svobodová This thesis provides overview of orthodox churches - sanctuaries and chaples in Prague being used by Orthodox Church since 1870s. Describing the history ...
Pražské pravoslavné chrámy Prague Orthodox Churches Petra Svobodová This thesis provides overview of orthodox churches - sanctuaries and chaples in Prague being used by Orthodox Church since 1870s. Describing the history ...
Teorie všudypřítomnosti obchodu
The theory of trade's omnipresence
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2015
Date of defense: 09. 09. 2015
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Ruská Palestina
The Russian Palestine
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2013
Date of defense: 12. 06. 2013
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: Ruská Palestina diplomová práce Vojtěch Kolář vedoucí práce : Doc. ThDr. Gorazd Josef VOPATRNÝ, Th. D Praha 2013 Abstrakt Diplomová práce "Ruská Palestina" pojednává o aktivitách ruské církve a diplomacie ve prospěch ruských ...
Russian Palestine Diploma thesis Vojtěch Kolář Praha 2013 Abstract This diploma thesis entitled "The Russian Palestine" deals with activities of the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian diplomatic corps designed to help ...
Russian Palestine Diploma thesis Vojtěch Kolář Praha 2013 Abstract This diploma thesis entitled "The Russian Palestine" deals with activities of the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian diplomatic corps designed to help ...