Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Duchovnoje značenije pravoslavnogo čerkovnogo penija
Spiritual Significance of the Orthodox Christian Church Chant
Duchovní význam pravoslavného církevního zpěvu
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2020
Date of defense: 21. 09. 2020
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: Aбстракт Данная работа содержит повествование о богослужебном пении, о его истории и различных жанрах и стилях. Большое внимание уделяется разъяснению теории и практики различных старинных распевов. Все это помогает лучше ...
This work contains a narrative about a liturgical chant, its history and various genres and styles. A lot of attention is paid to explaining the theory and practice of various ancient chants. All this helps to understand ...
This work contains a narrative about a liturgical chant, its history and various genres and styles. A lot of attention is paid to explaining the theory and practice of various ancient chants. All this helps to understand ...
Pamjatnyje Christianskije mesta na našej territorii v period IX. - X. vekov
Memorable christian sites in our territory from the period of the IXth - Xth century
Památná Křesťanská místa na našem území z období IX. - X. století
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2019
Date of defense: 26. 09. 2019
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: The thesis addresses the monuments of Great Moravian church architecture and is based on the material accumulated during the past century. It analyzes the influence of different architectural styles, the hypotheses by ...
Duchovnoje nasledije Svjatitelja Luki Vojno-Jaseneckogo, vrača, svjaščennika i pisatelja
A Spiritual Inheritance of St. Luca Vojno-Yasenecky, the Physician, Priest and Writer
Duchovní dědictví sv. Luky Vojno-Jaseneckého, lékaře, kněze a spisovatele
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Luptáková, Marina
Date Issued: 2013
Date of defense: 11. 09. 2013
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Pravoslavnoje monašestvo na Rusi 19 veka
Orthodox monasticism in Russia 19 century
Pravoslavné mnišství v Rusku 19. století
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Luptáková, Marina
Date Issued: 2020
Date of defense: 28. 01. 2020
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Izbrannyje ortodoksal'nyje christianskije svjatyje mesta na territorii byvšej Čechoslovakii
Selected Orthodox Christian holy places on the Territory of former Czechoslovakia
Vybraná orthodoxní křesťanská svatá místa na území bývalého Československa
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2018
Date of defense: 27. 06. 2018
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Pamjatnyje Christianskije mesta na našej territorii v period IX. - X. vekov
Memorable christian sites in our territory from the period of the IXth - Xth century
Památná Křesťanská místa na našem území z období IX. - X. století
rigorous thesis (RECOGNIZED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2024
Date of defense: 18. 01. 2024
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: The thesis addresses the monuments of Great Moravian church architecture and is based on the material accumulated during the past century. It analyzes the influence of different architectural styles, the hypotheses by ...
The thesis addresses the monuments of Great Moravian church architecture and is based on the material accumulated during the past century. It analyzes the influence of different architectural styles, the hypotheses by ...
The thesis addresses the monuments of Great Moravian church architecture and is based on the material accumulated during the past century. It analyzes the influence of different architectural styles, the hypotheses by ...