Now showing items 1-10 of 37
Pneumatologie Didyma Slepého a její kontext
The Pneumatology of Didymus the Blind and its Contexts
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2021
Date of defense: 21. 09. 2021
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: 1 Abstrakt Práce se pokouší zhodnotit přínos Didyma Alexandrijského na poli pneumatologie a zasadit jeho učení do kontextu dobové theologie a alexandrijské tradice. Pneumatologie je jedním z hlavních Didymových témat, ale ...
1 Abstract The thesis tries to evaluate the contribution of Didymus of Alexandria in the field of pneumatology and situate it in the context of theology of his contemporaries and the Alexandrian tradition. Pneumatology is ...
1 Abstract The thesis tries to evaluate the contribution of Didymus of Alexandria in the field of pneumatology and situate it in the context of theology of his contemporaries and the Alexandrian tradition. Pneumatology is ...
Empedokleova kosmologie
Empedocles' cosmology
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2017
Date of defense: 28. 06. 2017
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to demonstrate how were the presocratic philosophers thinking about the creation of the world. The first part is focused on a brief description of the life of Empedocles, as well as it ...
V bakalářské práci Empedokleova kosmologie jsem se pokusil nastínit, jakým způsobem uvažovali presokratici nad vznikem světa. V první části se práce věnuje stručnému popsání Empedokleova života. Dále definuje alespoň v ...
V bakalářské práci Empedokleova kosmologie jsem se pokusil nastínit, jakým způsobem uvažovali presokratici nad vznikem světa. V první části se práce věnuje stručnému popsání Empedokleova života. Dále definuje alespoň v ...
Duchovní život podle učení Abba Dorothea z Gazy
The Spiritual Life according to the Teachings of Abba Dorotheos of Gaza
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2015
Date of defense: 10. 06. 2015
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: Předkládaná práce pojednává o duchovním učení sv. Abba Dorothea (cca *505 - cca †560/580) v jeho spisech. Přináší také historický výklad palestinského mnišství v 6. století, jehož dědicem a dovršitelem Abba Dorotheos byl. ...
This work is concerned with The Spiritual Teachings of St. Dorotheos of Gaza and also with Palestine monasticism of the 6th century, about the life of St. Dorotheos and his teachers and it explains his teachings and its ...
This work is concerned with The Spiritual Teachings of St. Dorotheos of Gaza and also with Palestine monasticism of the 6th century, about the life of St. Dorotheos and his teachers and it explains his teachings and its ...
Fenomén poruch autistického spektra
Phenomenon of an autistic spectrum disorders
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Luptáková, Marina
Date Issued: 2017
Date of defense: 27. 09. 2017
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Christologické momenty v teologii Ignace z Antiochie
Christological Moments in Theology of Ignatius of Antioch
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2022
Date of defense: 21. 09. 2022
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Nová náboženská hnutí v Rusku
New Religious Movements In Russia
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Luptáková, Marina
Date Issued: 2017
Date of defense: 27. 09. 2017
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Pamjatnyje Christianskije mesta na našej territorii v period IX. - X. vekov
Memorable christian sites in our territory from the period of the IXth - Xth century
Památná Křesťanská místa na našem území z období IX. - X. století
diploma thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef
Date Issued: 2019
Date of defense: 26. 09. 2019
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract: The thesis addresses the monuments of Great Moravian church architecture and is based on the material accumulated during the past century. It analyzes the influence of different architectural styles, the hypotheses by ...
Didym Slepý teolog 4. století. Náčrt života a díla
Didymus the Blind the theologian of the 4th century. A sketch of the life and work
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 11. 09. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Křesťanství jako školní předmět
Christianity as the school subject
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 21. 05. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found
Sv. Nikodém Agioreités- obroditel
St. Nikodemos Hagioreites- The revivalist
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Milko, Pavel
Date Issued: 2012
Date of defense: 11. 09. 2012
Faculty / Institute: Husitská teologická fakulta / Hussite Theological Faculty
Abstract not found