Now showing items 1-1 of 1
The Solution to the Mind-Body Problem in Searle's Philosophy of Mind
Jak řešit problém těla a myšlení vefilosofii mysli J. Searla
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Kranát, Jan
Date Issued: 2016
Date of defense: 12. 09. 2016
Faculty / Institute: Evangelická teologická fakulta / Protestant Theological Faculty
Abstract: Tato práce se zabývá problémem mysli a těla ve flozofi mysli amerického flozofa Johna Searla. Zkoumá jeho kritiku flozofcké tradice tohoto problému, která nás podle jeho mínění vedla k přijetí zavádějících kategorií a ...
This paper studies the mind-body problem in Searle's philosophy of mind. It thoroughly evaluates his criticism of the philosophical tradition and the scientifc methodology. As he argues, the former has been misleading us ...
This paper studies the mind-body problem in Searle's philosophy of mind. It thoroughly evaluates his criticism of the philosophical tradition and the scientifc methodology. As he argues, the former has been misleading us ...