Now showing items 1-1 of 1
Nepraví hrdinové. Odstraňování komunistických pomníků v Praze po roce 1989
False heroes. Removal of communist monuments in Prague after year 1989
diploma thesis (NOT DEFENDED)
Advisor: Pech, Milan
Date Issued: 2019
Date of defense: 12. 09. 2019
Faculty / Institute: Katolická teologická fakulta / Catholic Theological Faculty
Abstract: Nepravíhrdinové.Odstraňováníkomunistickýchsochporoce1989 Anotace: Tato diplomová práce se bude zabývat pomníky propagujícími ideologii komunismu, které byly těsně po Sametové revoluci a dále v 90. letech odstraněny či ...
False heroes. Removal of communist monuments in Prague after year 1989 This thesis will examine monuments, established to promote communist ideology, that were removed after the Velvet Revolution and in the next few years ...
False heroes. Removal of communist monuments in Prague after year 1989 This thesis will examine monuments, established to promote communist ideology, that were removed after the Velvet Revolution and in the next few years ...