Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Kostel sv. Martina Většího ve zdi na Starém Městě pražském
Church of St. Martin in the Wall in the Old Town of Prague
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Záruba, František
Date Issued: 2013
Date of defense: 04. 06. 2013
Faculty / Institute: Katolická teologická fakulta / Catholic Theological Faculty
Abstract: Anotace: Bakalářská práce bude zaměřena na kostel sv. Martina Většího ve zdi. Ten se nachází na rozhraní Starého a Nového Města v Praze. Ve své práci se budu věnovat historii a architektuře kostela. Rovněž se pokusím ...
Annotation: The Bachelor's thesis will be focused on church of St. Martin in the wall. It is located on the border of the Old and New Town of Prague. In my work, I will deal with the history and architecture of the church. ...
Annotation: The Bachelor's thesis will be focused on church of St. Martin in the wall. It is located on the border of the Old and New Town of Prague. In my work, I will deal with the history and architecture of the church. ...
Kostel sv. Bartoloměje v Plzni. Stavební vývoj kostela v době gotické
The church of st. Bartolomeus in Pilsen
bachelor thesis (DEFENDED)
Advisor: Záruba, František
Date Issued: 2013
Date of defense: 22. 01. 2013
Faculty / Institute: Katolická teologická fakulta / Catholic Theological Faculty
Abstract: The thesis wants to explain a building historical evolution of church St. Bartolomeus in Pilsen. The topic is defined from the beginning to construction works to 16th century. The systematics of topic contains a historical ...