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dc.contributor.authorČtrnáct, Pavel
dc.contributor.authorMaryáš, Jaroslav
dc.description.abstractFrom 1961 to 1980 the number of inhabitants in Czechoslovakia increased by 1,5 mil. (11,2 %) The period was composed of two different development phases. The years from 1961 to 1970 represented the period of the lowest post-war natural population production. Especially in Bohemia the increase was minimal and in some areas even depopulation took place. In spite of a slightly decreasing intensity of migration in Bohemia, migration performed an important influence on the changing distribution of population. In Slovakia - apart from a temporary slight decrease - a considerably favourable birth-rate level has been maintained, and the differences between both republics as regards the reproduction level have enlarged. In the seventies the influence of a favourable demographic situation (larger number of women at age of the highest fertility) together with the introduction of promising social measures improved the situation in the growth population Bohemia this trend was felt more intensively within a shorter period. In Slovakia the number of inhabitants was increasing of a more slowly pace hut the growth of population lasted practically up to the end of the decadecs
dc.titleVývoj obyvatelstva ČSSR v letech 1961-1980 =The growth of population in Czechoslovakia from 1961 to 1980cs
dc.typePříspěvek v časopisucs
dcterms.isPartOf.nameSborník Československé geografické společnostics

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