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Issue 1
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Issue 2
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Spheres of interest: Hollow clay balls at the dawn of ancient Near Eastern history
Vědecký článek
Datum publikování: 2019
Abstrakt: This paper discusses hollow clay spheres containing clay symbols (“tokens”) from sites of the prehistoric and early historic Near East. A list of them is provided, and an interpretation as information conveyors to sites ...
Ein verkannter Beitrag der Prager Indogermanistik zur nominalen Wortbildung (Zur unpublizierten Dissertation von Jaromír Jedlička)
Vědecký článek
Datum publikování: 2019
Abstrakt: The unpublished dissertation of Jaromír Jedlička, O zvláštním případu parallelismu suffixů v jazycích indoevropských [On a Special Case of Suffix Parallelism in Indo-European Languages], Prague 1894 (178 pp.) investigated ...
Index of the verb forms in the Prague collection of Cappadocian tablets
Vědecký článek
Datum publikování: 2019
Abstrakt: When asked about Bedřich Hrozný, most laypeople with some knowledge of history will associate him with the decipherment of the Hittite language. Only a few will recall his other major achievement of great importance for ...