Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Dobré osvícenství — špatný stalinismus? Komparace na poli tělesné výchovy
Good enlightenment - bad stalinism? Comparison in the field of scholastic physical education
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2018
Abstract: Based on a comparison of scholastic physical education in the period of the Enlightenment and after the rise of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia in 1948, this study confirms that an important aspect of Czechoslovak ...
Defektní a přece socialističtí? O normalitě žáků zvláštních škol v počátcích československé komunistické diktatury
Defective but still socialist? On the normality of pupils in special schools at the beginning of the Czechoslovak communist dictatorship
Vědecký článek
Date Issued: 2018
Abstract: After the start of the communist dictatorship in 1948, schools for children requiring special care, including special schools for children with reduced intellectual abilities, became part of the school system. These ...